Since I can remember, I have always been a headstrong (i.e. thickheaded) girl. I blame it on my parents, because they are the same way. But I guess we can blame it on their parents, because they’re also the same way. (I promise I won’t discuss genetics, at least not today.) To me, things in life are black or white, right or wrong. There is no grey. There is no in-between. And I will argue this point to my death.
One time my father-in-law and I got into this discussion over dinner. He is an attorney, twice my age, liberal and thickheaded. I’m an admin assistant, barely over twenty, conservative and thickheaded. It’s quite obvious why we don’t see eye-to-eye sometimes. I like being challenged in my beliefs and he likes debating, so we make for pretty good entertainment at times. On this particular evening though, he would give me a scenario, I would conclude it black or white, and he would find the grey. We went round and round, but finally came to the conclusion that “grey areas” depend on your interpretation of absolute truth.
I believe that grey areas are labeled when we don’t have an answer or explanation. As a general rule, I find grey areas to be a cop-out for avoiding the sometimes challenging situations in life. Theologically I believe this 100%. Scripture is black or white; we see grey because we lack understanding, not because it is unclear.
Grey is easy. Mediocrity is easy too. Perhaps it is the aspiring philosopher in me, but I strive to be decided and thorough in my opinions on life. The idea of not knowing why you believe something is the most ridiculous concept. For every rhyme there is a reason. I am no scientist, I can guarantee you; I don’t have to understand why a clock ticks or why a natural disaster occurred. Faith is supremely important. But the few things I do understand, I want to understand completely.
All revelation and wisdom is given by God. No matter your religion, most people could agree upon that. I look at King Solomon, in all of his glory and wisdom, he received understanding and in turn reward, because God chose to reveal it to him. Not because he was able to utilize a greater percentage of his brain over night.
Being the way I am, I have gotten myself into many interesting debates. Certainly my most enjoyable ones are when I leave the conversation rebuked. Now that may sound odd, but I love when my black turns to white, or vice versa. It is more important to know the truth than to be right. Pride is a devilish disease; and ironically, knowledge and pride often go hand and hand.
All these thoughts go to summarize that foundationally, I believe in an absolute truth. If things cannot be absolute, then they cannot exist. Truth is independent and unmodifiable, not to mention unequivocal. Where does that leave relativity? Philosophically speaking, relativity is dependence on a contextually variable factor, or dependence on a factor that varies according to context. But that does not alter the unambiguousness of truth. Situations do not dictate truth, truth should dictate our situations.
And that is what is wrong with America. Ha-ha, only kidding. But I will conclude my redundant post with a hope that it inspired you to think more decidedly. As always, share your thoughts.